Fix These Before They Become a Problem!
Another Candidate for Pre-Winter Rehab
This driveway, while not deeply potholed or washboard, is still in dire need of repair prior to the rigors of a long North Idaho winter! That overgrown mound in the driveway’s center, and the lightly grooved wheel tracks are a recipe for winter plowing frustration!
First, the center hump, once saturated and frozen, will become a plowing hinderance throughout the winter, and the depressed tire ruts, while having a fair covering of gravel, will remain snow covered all winter, because the plow blade simply cannot access that snow for removal due to the raised road center, and the somewhat elevated driveway edges.
Once a couple thaw-freeze cycles hit, that remaining snow in those tire tracks becomes grey ice, that can persist until spring thaw with a cold winter.
Driveway Doktor can repair this type of road quickly, and efficiently, putting in a consistent crown in the driveway for water drainage, and eliminating the low spots, while bringing all of the existing gravel aggregate to the surface for an enhanced traction surface that manages water efficiently.
In many cases, the existing gravel is plenty, it just needs to be properly graded and rejuvenated.
Give us a call for a free site evaluation and estimate to fix your road, before it becomes a winter headache!
Call 208-610-7994